
Friday, December 21, 2007

Jamie Lynn Spears' boyfriend may have a new boyfriend, named Bubba in jail.

Big house, slammer, jail, the pokey...........
Casey’s birthday is April 29, 1989, which makes him 18. Jamie Lynn’s birthday is April 4, 1991, which makes her 16. They are just under two years apart.
Casey’s uncle told CelebTV that he was born on that date, and his birthday was confirmed with the Mississippi Department of Motor Vehicles.
As we mentioned above, this means that this relationship does not meets the two year age difference cutoff for possible prosecution under Louisiana law, but that under California law it is a misdemeanor that could result in up to one year in county jail.
Here is a recap of the laws on statutory rape in the applicable states:
Louisiana law defines this unlawful carnal knowledge as “sexual intercourse with consent between someone age 19 or older and someone between age 12 and 17.”
In Louisiana a person can only legally consent to sex at age 17. If aged 15 or 16, the other person involved must be no more than two years older for the act to be considered legal…
The Californian Penal Code states that any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 18 who is not more than three year younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanour and faces up to one year in a county jail.

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