
Monday, December 24, 2007

Is Suri Cruise overexposed?

I feel overexposed..............
Katie Holmes was all over the internet this weekend. She took 20 month old Suri on a shopping spree to stores very appropriate for toddlers—like Fred Segal on Melrose and other Beverly Hills stops.
Uh, not! At one point, spying cameras from the various paparazzi show Suri being carried by one of Tom Cruise's security men while Katie shopped. Later the camera crews and paparazzi got amazingly vivid and unobstructed film of little Suri.
This can't be the way to raise a toddler, can it? Frankly, it seems contrived, like a headlined adventure for Katie and baby to show they're bonding and happy at Christmas, just a couple of weeks before Katie's movie, "Mad Money," opens nationwide.
I can't remember a baby this much on display. Cruise's elder kids were rarely seen before they hit age 10. Indeed, most Hollywood children are usually hidden from view for fear of kidnapping or other threats.Even with a security SWAT team, Holmes would be better off doing her adult errands without Suri. There's no doubt the baby would probably be happier, even if it her absence disappoints the photogs.

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